Our Christian Values
In building solid foundations for every unique individual and putting God’s love at the centre of all we do, our children learn to embrace our diverse world. We encourage our children to learn universally in order to understand our heritage and roots as a village, town, region and nation. Through strong community links, our children grow in compassion and understanding, promote justice and possess commitment and aspire to make a positive difference. We offer an ambitious curriculum that ignites curiosity along with high personal expectations that fosters resilience and which enables them to flourish. Our children are easily distinguished by the courage they show when making brave choices and understand the importance of becoming the very best versions of themselves.
Our Christian Statement embeds all of what we do in school. We want our children to become the very best version of them selves and as such as strive to make a difference to children's moral character.
In addition to our six values, we also have a half termly Christian value that we focus upon during our worship and Sprirituality Days in school.
Our Year 6 Christian Ambassador is Howard. Howard helps to lead our Worship and Values Group and his role is to offer a Christian perspective on our planning and presence within and beyond school.
Values Assemblies
At the end of each half term, we hold a special Values Assembly. Teachers actively look for children who are shining examples of these values in their day-to-day lives in school. Class teachers nominate a child to be put forward for the award and staff discuss each child on merit. We recognise that even being nominated for an Value Award is a huge achievement.
AWARDS 2024 - 25
A number of staff have noticed Esme showing our Christian value of compassion on multiple occasions! She is always looking out for her peers - both in the classroom and outside the classroom showing she has a good understanding of what compassion looks like. In the classroom, she is able to help those around her meet their goals, she realises that everyone is different and learns in different ways, she celebrates her friend's successes and is always there to support them. This is also the same on the playground where she saw one of her peers was upset and took it upon herself to take them away from the situation to do some happy breathing and talk through the situation, supporting them until they felt better. She is a ray of sunshine and a good friend to everyone who always shows compassion.
Seb is always kind, helpful and compassionate to the people around him. He demonstrates this in all aspects of school life, all around school on a daily basis, living out our school Christian vision. Seb's compassion was witnessed by a number of people recently when a younger child had fallen over whilst carrying a bin full of rubbish; without fuss, without hesitation and without being asked, he picked up all the rubbish (which wasn't a very pleasant job) and made sure that the injured child was being looked after. Continue being an excellent role model Seb, well done.
Harry was nominated for the value of understanding for his fantastic showcase of knowledge during our natural disasters unit in geography. During the unit, Harry went the extra mile outside of school and created a poster showcasing his knowledge about the layers of Earth. He also brought in his atlas from home to share with the class and to help him when learning about the Pacific ‘ring of fire’. In addition to this, Harry has excitedly shared additional knowledge about natural disasters, which he has found out at home. It has been lovely to see that this unit has sparked Harry’s interest and as a result, he has shown a deep understanding of the topics which we have covered. Keep up the good work Harry!
Ollie has embodied our Christian Value of Understanding this half term. As an exceptional sports player, Ollie understands that he can use his abilities to uplift and support others. He recognises that everyone is unique, he celebrates these differences and uses his strengths to encourage and assist his friends. He is able to adapt our lessons and games to make sure everyone is included and is happily taking part. As a loyal and caring friend, Ollie is always there to cheer on his peers and celebrates their success as much as he would his own. His thoughtful and inclusive approach make him a shining example of how understanding can strengthen both individuals and the community. Well done Ollie, you should be proud of yourself!
Ivy has been chosen for justice because she is such a good role model for her peers. Although she is still at the start of her school journey, she has shown she is always doing the right thing and she has a good understanding of what is right and wrong. Well done, Ivy!
For the value of Justice, we are delighted to recognise Dollie for her thoughtful letter written during our history unit on Lelia Constantine. In her letter, Dollie showed a heartfelt understanding of justice, expressing her feelings about the unfairness of racism with sincerity and a strong sense of indignation. Her care for fairness and standing up for what is right is truly inspiring.
Morgan was nominated for the value of Aspire because he is always striving to be the best in all that he does. Morgan sometimes finds parts of his learning a bit tricky but it has been lovely to see him putting in extra effort, particularly in his own time. For example, when the class are busy creating in the provision, Morgan is constantly practising his number formation and letter formation. He checks with an adult and asks for 'more.' The smile on his face once he has completed his challenge is infectious. Well done Morgan, keep up the hard work!
Last week, Arwyn came into school at lunch time with a friend to see Mrs Jones. He asked if he could come inside and read. When asked why he said 'To get better.' Arwyn has such a love for books and reading. He's always interested in the texts we have in class and enjoys reading at home too. His love for reading and his positive attitude is infectious. Arwyn has helped and inspired his peers to become better readers too! Keep up the hard work Arwyn and continuing aspiring. Well done!
Since joining Y6 Harley has shown that he gets on with everything, he tries his best, gives everything his all and shows resilience on a regular basis. At Tower Wood, he was always willing to take on the challenges set by the instructors, he demonstrated independence; organising his belongings, following a routine and thinking about what he needed to do to prepare for the next day and he did all of this with a smile on his face. Harley recognises when he needs to take 5 minutes for himself and then he's straight back to whatever he has been asked to do. Well done Harley, you are a great role model to our younger children.
Casey has blown me away this half term with her resilience. This term, Casey has achieved something that even she didn't think she would achieve. At the start of the year our class attended swimming lessons. At first, Casey was nervous and reluctant to even get into the water and felt anxious about learning to swim. Over the weeks, I have watched Casey persevere and show resilience with her swimming, slowly increasing the amount of time she spends in the pool. Casey has now achieved her swimming badge, cheered on by her class, and all completed with a big smile on her face. Casey doesn't like to celebrate her achievements but we couldn't let this one go without truly celebrating her amazing achievement and show how her resilience helped her to achieve her goal. We think you have done an amazing job Casey and the whole class believe in you.
Paige has demonstrated Courage by speaking up and embracing new challenges. She has displayed remarkable courage by sharing her ideas for the school council. Despite feeling nervous and initially changing her mind about running for the post, she chose to step forward when encouraged, presenting her manifesto to the class. Paige had worked hard on her poster, and her decision to speak up, despite her doubts, showed great bravery. Her willingness to participate in activities, even when uncertain of her abilities, is a true example of courage.
Jack has been nominated for the value of courage for using this value during his Christmas performance last week. Before the performance, Jack had let Miss Ainscough know that he was feeling nervous to read his poem out in church and he was unsure if he’d be able to read it on the day. However, Jack decided that he didn’t want to let his nerves get the better of him, so he took his nerves and turned them into courage and determination! Jack read his poem out beautifully in front of all of the parents and children in church. Nobody would have known that Jack had been feeling nervous prior to this! Well done Jack for showing incredible courage and proving that you can do anything you set your mind to!
Emily has been chosen for the Christian value of Wisdom. Emily, especially in our RE work, is able to make connections between things she has learned and apply them to her new learning. Her thoughtfulness and wisdom in our RE lessons about the Bible has been lovely to hear. She could understand why people in rural areas of the world are so grateful for versions of the Bible in their own language and could connect this to how we should be grateful for everything we have. Her love of reading really shines through as she can use technical and ambitious vocabulary to communicate her understanding clearly and maturely. I enjoy having discussions with Emily about different topics and hearing her thoughts and opinions about them. Your teacher is eagerly awaiting her to finish her current book so she can find out the mystery at the London Eye! Well done Emily. Keep being wise and keep up the super work!
AUTUMN 2 : COURAGE (as above)
AWARDS 2023-24
Winners : Benji Y1, Franklin Y1, Olivia Y4, Sofia Y5, Jason Y5, Madoc Y2
Winners : Charlotte Y6, Morgan YR, Annie Y5, Finley Y4, Stanley Y4, Christopher Y6
Winners : Nicole Y4, Lily Y6, Ronnie Y4, Olivia Y6, Harper Y5, Kaiya Y5
Winners : Jack H Y2, Alistair Y3, Oliver E YR, William Y2, Archie Y2, Aria Y1
Winners : Evie Y3, Oscar S Y6, Ruby Y5, Jude YR, Poppy Y6, Josh Y4
Winners : Leo L Y5, Isla Y4, Oliver KC Y2, Casey Y4, Thirza Y1, Grace YR
GENEROSITY : Autumn 1 : Theo, YR
JOY : Autumn 2 : Orla, Y5
COURAGE : Spring 1 : Oliver KC, Y2
JOY : Spring 2 : Harry H, Y2
FRIENDSHIP : Summer 1 : Esme Mar., Y3
JOY : Summer 2 : Horatio, Y3