At Great Eccleston Copp CE Primary School we believe that all aspects of English are a fundamental life skill which develops pupils’ ability to listen, speak, communicate, read and write for a wide range of purposes.
Pupils are enabled to express themselves creatively and imaginatively as they become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama, as well as of non-fiction and media texts. They gain an understanding of how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins and use their knowledge, skills and understanding in speaking and writing across a range of different situations.
We aim to:
- enable pupils to read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding
- enable pupils to use a range of strategies to develop accuracy in reading and an understanding of the meaning of a text
- develop an understanding of the sound and spelling system to foster accurate reading and writing in a variety of genres
- develop fluent and legible handwriting
- foster and develop pupils’ own imaginative language and critical awareness through reading and writing
- develop an appreciation of books for both learning and pleasure
- develop speaking and listening skills through literacy and across all curriculum areas.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
In the Foundation Stage, Communication and Language and Literacy (CLL), Reading (R) and Writing (W) development are incorporated in all areas of learning. Opportunities are provided for pupils to communicate thoughts, ideas and feelings. Purposeful role-play is used to develop language and imagination. Pupils are given opportunities to share and enjoy a wide range of rhymes, songs, poetry and books. An environment is provided which reflects the importance of experimenting with mark making and writing for different purposes. Pupils enjoy daily phonic sessions.
Key Stages 1 and 2
KS1 and KS2 pupils have 4 genre lessons a week. The structure over time work through key phases. These are (i) Creating Interest; (ii) Reading; (iii) Gathering; (iv) Writing.
Punctuation and Grammar (PAG)
PAG is taught throughout the week, either as a discrete session or a short activity before an English lesson.
Guided Reading
This takes place 3 times a week throughout the school from Year 2 to Year 6, each class receives a pre read, guided read session and a post read session. In Year 1 they have a guided reading session once a week and as the year progresses they will move towards pre and post read sessions as well. We use the Lancashire Learning and Progression documents and reading domains to aid planning and assessments. Pupils focus on questions and activities which relate to the assessment.
Comprehension is taught weekly in Years 1-6.
Pupils in KS1 will be heard throughout the week and pupils in KS2 at least once a week, according to ability. KS2 pupils are expected to read independently every day. We aim to enhance the provision and enjoyment of reading through the library, Book Week, World Book Day, reading/writing competitions, reading displays and working walls.
Reading for pleasure is a key part of developing a love of reading. We foster this love in a variety of ways, including ‘Everyone Reading In Class’ (ERIC), pupils choosing class books, ensuring the books we have available for the children are up to date and relevant to them, focus authors in class and staff as reading role models.
PAG is taught daily, with skills learned being applied to extended and everyday writing. An understanding of a range of genres has been planned throughout the year which allows pupils to re-visit writing objectives. Time is built into planning for pupils to evaluate their work by editing and redrafting.
Writing for purpose is encouraged wherever possible.
Spelling is taught in two discrete sessions a week throughout KS2 and is assessed on a regular basis. This involves an interactive and investigative approach and clear guidelines are given to staff about what they will include in these lessons so that there is continuity and progression.
Phonics lessons are taught daily in both EYFS and KS1. At Copp we use the ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised’ scheme for teaching of phonics.
Speaking and Listening
Effective speaking and listening is encouraged throughout the school, and not just in English lessons. Throughout the year, we provide opportunities to enhance children’s S&L skills. These opportunities may include, public speaking competition, school council, performing in class, worship and music opportunities.
All teachers have high expectations for the presentation of work in all areas of the
curriculum. Handwriting plays an important part and is taught regularly using an agreed font. Joined up handwriting is taught from Year 2, if the pupils are ready.
What our children think about English at Great Eccleston C.E. School:
"I enjoy how we get to write our own stories and be creative." Esme Mar Y2
"I really enjoy English because we get to learn about all different topics like poems, biographies, stories and non-fiction." Jessica Y6
"I like English because it is about writing and I like learning about the enormous turnip." Sofia Y1
“I like writing stories.” Paige Reception
" enjoy English because we get to write exciting stories and there are always surprise twists in stories". Roscoe Y6
'I like reading the different stories, I like working together and then having time to write my own stories too.' Orla Y4
“I like saying the phonics sounds.” Franklin Reception
"I like English because it challenges you but you can make your own stories and be imaginative with your writing." Diego Y6
'I like the activities we do and then we get to write our own stories.' Luis Y4
“I like writing about the Three Little Pigs.” Lily Reception
"I like English because it is a magical subject, you can write stories, biographies and lots more. With English you always get to use your imagination." Mollie-Mai Y6