Year One
Welcome to Year 1
Staff in Year One
Class Teacher: Mrs Jones
PPA Teacher: Mrs Twigg
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Mason
Homework will be reading, maths, phonics and something creative set around our foundation subjects. For outstanding presentation, effort and engagement 'Top Copp' cards will be given! At the end of each half term children with 4 or more cards will be rewarded with an extra play time!
Homework will be given out each Friday and collected in by the following Wednesday.
Reading Books / Library Books
Reading Books will be checked daily and books will be changed accordingly. We encourage the children to read their book 3 times to aid accuracy and fluency.
Library books will be changed every Friday. (the children will have the opportunity to select their own.)
At school your child will have the opportunity to read to a member of staff on a regular basis, which includes our guided reading sessions.
Each time a child reads to an adult/older sibling etc please date and sign/write a comment inside their reading record.
Continuous Provision:
We use Continuous Provision in Year 1 as we are active and engaged learners! Some areas will have a challenge for the children to complete. Some of the completed challenges will be displayed on our 'Wow Wall ' along with other wow moments chosen by staff or the children themselves.
At present, our continuous provision consists of:
A dedicated reading area - The reading area has a wide selection of books that the children may choose from. Some of these books were chosen by the children themselves, or might be linked to our themes throughout the year. Books are readily available throughout each area of provision.
Writing area- containing tools such as sellotape, stapler, hole punch,a variety of paper, pencils and writing tools.
Reflection area - the children are allowed to spend time reflecting upon anything that has happened in class or at home that week. This is also linked to our RE theme.
Maths area - resources to practice and consolidate learning.
Water - to assist with gross and fine motor skills.
Phonics - to consolidate and practice reading and writing skills.
Malleable/workshop - containing playdough or junk modelling equipment linked to our theme or current topic.
Construction -to enable gross and fine motor skills to develop. Negotiating skills and cooperation. The children can design and make their own creations.
Outdoor - We have a small area for the children to continue to develop their gross and fine motor skills, to take part in maths and phonic games, along with exploring our natural environment.
Home corner - in this area children can take on and try out roles from familiar family scenes, the local community's experiences and imaginative fantasies. As children act out roles, they develop many skills. They play cooperatively; negotiate turns, exchange ideas and work together to solve problems
General Reminders
The children will be doing PE twice a week and they may wear their kits all day on Fridays. PE kits consist of suitable trainers, black or blue shorts / sports trousers, a white T-shirt and their blue Copp jumpers / cardigans/ hoodies.
The children must also bring in their own water bottles. Please make sure that they are labelled also.
Year 1 Useful Websites
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me, either after school when collecting your child, on Class Dojo or by arranging an appointment with Mrs Lawrenson if it is something you would like to discuss further.
Thank you for visiting our class page,
Mrs Jones
Curriculum Overview
Maths Overview 2024-25
KIRFS 2024-2025