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St. Anne's Copp

Church of England Primary School

"Let us love, not in word, but in truth and action." 1 John 3:18

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School Logo

St. Anne's Copp

Church of England Primary School

"Let us love, not in word, but in truth and action." 1 John 3:18

Year Three

Welcome to Year 3!


We hope that you all had a lovely summer and made the most of the glorious weather. 


Each week there will be daily English and Maths lessons. English lessons include; reading, spellings, comprehension, handwriting and PaG (punctuation and grammar) which will be taught separately. Maths will involve the children working on a range of mathematical skills. The learning of times tables is an important part of this development – using the school-purchased app TT Rockstars along with any other support you can offer at home would be greatly appreciated.


Staff in Year 3

Class Teacher: Miss Ainscough

Teaching Assistant: Mrs D. Taylor 


Maths and English Targets

The Year 3 children have Maths and English targets which they are working on. These were on their latest reports that were sent home. Please ask your child their current targets as they should know them.



This will be set on a Friday to be returned by the following Wednesday at the latest, please. Spellings will be included on the homework each week, to be tested on the following Friday.  

TTRockstars, Prodigy, and Spelling Shed are all available for the children to use at home - they have their usernames and passwords on their bookmarks.


Reading Books 

Children can independently change their reading books as and when needed. We encourage children to be reading at home at least 3 times a week (this can be independently or with an adult). Reading records must be signed and dated by an adult after each reading session. Reading records will be checked on a Monday and Thursday. 


Reading Area

We have a dedicated reading area in class.  The reading area has a wide selection of magazines, fiction, and non-fiction books. 


Before/After School

At the beginning of the school day, before registration (8.45 – 8.55), the children will have different maths, reading and writing activities to complete throughout the year. 

At the end of each school day (3.15 pm) the children will be dismissed from the playground (to the right of the MUGA).


General Reminders

Our timetabled PE slot will be Wednesday for this half term - PE kit should include a white T-shirt, black/blue shorts/sports trousers and suitable trainers. Please remove jewellery, including earrings before coming to school. 

The children must also bring in their own water bottle from home. 


Thank you for visiting our class page!

Miss Ainscough

Spring 1 Curriculum Overview

Maths Yearly Overview

KIRFS 2024 - 2025

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