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Great Eccleston Copp

Church of England Primary School

"Let us love, not in word, but in truth and action." 1 John 3:18

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Great Eccleston Copp

Church of England Primary School

"Let us love, not in word, but in truth and action." 1 John 3:18

The Curriculum

At Great Eccleston Copp Church of England School, we are proud that our curriculum is ever-evolving.  Recently, we have taken the approach to capitalise on children's curiosity and place this at the heart of our curriculum.  We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is personalised and child-centred and does not minimise any subject.  Individual subjects are planned carefully from our youngest pupils in pre-school through to our Year 6 children, ensuring previous knowledge is built on in a sequential and logical way. 


Our curriculum is alive with words and reading as we place a very high emphasis on reading and the acquisition of vocabulary across the range of subjects.  The introduction of double page spreads in some of our non-core subjects such as geography, history, art and science allows for our children to utilise the knowledge they have acquired in their own individual way and pushes away the conformity of all children completing work in a similar way.  The impact of our double page spreads has meant children enjoy their work; they enjoy finding extra facts to add to their spread at the end and they enjoy the prospect of their work being showcased in our entrance hall.


Retrieval opportunities are built into our curriculum at regular opportunities both in class and through carefully set homework.  This ensures previously taught concepts are not forgotten and are able to be built on with ease in the future.  Low-stakes quizzes, revisiting vocabulary and opportunities to weave previous learning carefully into other learning all help our children's understanding and resilience to develop in a natual way.


To ensure we give our children memorable teaching and experiences,  we build into our curriculum timely experiences throughout school that will enhance their cultural capital and that builds on the enrichment of a subject.  Visits are planned carefully and in consultation with leaders from other subjects to ensure we maximise opportunities in understanding.  For example, in history, children in Year 2 visit Styal Mill to enhance their understanding of the Industrial Revolution (building also on geographical knowledge of the UK and local areas in Year 1) and in Year 5 they have access to an artefact box so that they may truly and deeply understand the Egyptians.


Maths, English, RE, PE, French, ICT and science are taught discretely but may also be included in topics.


Catering for Different Needs

We adapt planning to cater for all abilities and strive to provide learning experiences which both support and stretch all our pupils, including those with special educational needs (SEN) or those who are very able.  We aim for quality first teaching to address initial needs but this is supplemented by extra support on a regular basis, which may involve a teaching assistant, a trainee teacher, another teacher or the headteacher.


If you require any more information on the curriculum that we offer here at Copp then please email with any questions that you have and you will be directed to the appropriate member of staff.

Geography Double Page Spread

We have needed lots more teamwork with the lessons this half term. Everything was fun and it helped me learn new things -  Jools, Y4


‘The Pebble in my Pocket’ story was good, especially when we made our own timeline from it - Charlotte, Y4


I liked it because I feel like I will remember more - Darcy, Y6


I liked every day and I have gone home to my mum and dad and told them about it each day - Jessie, Y6



This is the first time he’s brought a subject home from school and wanted to ‘craft’ as we call it at home.  (Y1 Parent).

Children's survey

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