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St. Anne's Copp

Church of England Primary School

"Let us love, not in word, but in truth and action." 1 John 3:18

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School Logo

St. Anne's Copp

Church of England Primary School

"Let us love, not in word, but in truth and action." 1 John 3:18

Year Four

Welcome to Year Four


Welcome to Year 4! 

We have got lots of exciting things planned for this half term which we can't wait to share with you all.


Times Table Test Check

EdShed Web Game - Spelling Shed and MathShed

Click on the link above to try the new Times Table Test.


Staff in Year Four this year

Class Teacher: Miss. S Hardy

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. M Weepman

PPA Cover: Mrs. H Twigg, Miss. R Ingham


Maths and English Targets

The Year 4 children have maths and English targets (which are in the back of their relevant books).  Please ask your child their current targets as they should know them.



English and maths homework will be given out on a Friday to be returned to school by the following Wednesday at the latest please. TTRockstars, Prodigy and Spelling Shed are all available for the children to use at home - they have all their usernames and passwords on their bookmarks.


Reading Books / Library Books

Reading Books will be given out twice a week. At school your child will have the opportunity to read to a member of staff at least two times a week (including our guided reading sessions). Reading records will be checked weekly in school.


Reading, Writing, Reflection and Design Areas:

We have a dedicated reading area in class.  The reading area has a wide selection of new books that the children may choose from on a weekly basis.

There is a writing area for two children to work at for extra work on things such as sentence structure, handwriting and SPaG.

We have a reflection area where the children are allowed to spend time reflecting upon anything that has happened in class or at home that week.


Before and After School

At the beginning of the school day, before registration (8.40 – 8.55 depending on arrival time) the children will have different maths, reading and writing activities to complete throughout the year. 

School finishes at 3:15pm. Children will be dismissed from the main door this half term (not the hall door).


General Reminders

The children will need their own water bottles and hand sanitiser, please make sure that they are labelled also.


Year 4 Useful Websites



If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me, either after school when collecting your child, on Class Dojo or by arranging an appointment with Mrs Lawrenson if it is something you would like to discuss further.


Thank you for visiting our class page,

Miss Hardy

Summer 2 Topic Overview

Maths Yearly Overview 2022-23

2 times table song

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3 Times Table Song

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4 Times Table Song

5 Times Table Song

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6 Times Table Song

7 Times Table Song

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8 Times Table Song

9 Times Table Song

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10 Times Table Song

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11 Times Table Song

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12 Times Table Song

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KIRFS 2023-2024

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