Collective Worship
Worship takes place every day at our school.
Monday - Rev Jim Williams from Elswick Church
Tuesday - class worship, planned and led by pupils
Wednesday - Rev Paul Hunter from St Anne's Church
Thursday - Headteacher Mrs Melvin and 1 whole class worship each half term in St Anne's Church
Friday - Celebration Worship (whole school)
Speakers from other local churches or Christian groups are also invited to lead collective worship, this being particularly important as many of the children in our care are of other denominations and attend churches other than St. Anne's.
We also lead services such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter in St Anne's Church.
Our Worship and Values Group play a key role in evaluating and improving our worship.
Worship during lockdown 2021
We have been celebrating worship in a variety of ways during lockdown including:
Thursday Worship
Mrs Melvin has been leading our Thursday worships and posts them weekly on ClassDojo.
Friday Celebration Worship
During January 2021 lockdown, we have been celebrating who the Stars of the Week are in each class at Friday worship. Mr Harding has been recording these and posting them on ClassDojo each week. Follow the links each week to see our amazing winners.
Friday 15th January -
Friday 22nd January -
Friday 29th January -
Friday 5th February -
Friday 12th February -
Friday 26th February -
Friday 5th March - coming soon!