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St. Anne's Copp

Church of England Primary School

"Let us love, not in word, but in truth and action." 1 John 3:18

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School Logo

St. Anne's Copp

Church of England Primary School

"Let us love, not in word, but in truth and action." 1 John 3:18


Cheque presentation from Great Eccleston show, 2024

School were visited by the President of Great Eccleston Show, Richard Furnival and some of the committee members.  The children were presented with a generous cheque which was greatly received.

Our school council have been conducting a survey to find out which outdoor exercise equipment the children wanted in the playground.  The children chose a double side swinger, bike and double walker.  We look forward to having these installed in the Spring.


Welcome to the PTA section.


What is FOCS?


We are the school's PTA, Friends of Copp School knows as FOCS.


Why support FOCS?

Friends Of Copp School work hard to raise vital funds for school. Over the last two years we have raised over £10,000! All the money raised by FOCS will directly benefit your children. Along with purchasing equipment for school we also cover the costs of some school trips, Life Education Bus and Mathletics which helps to relieve financial pressure on parents to pay for these valuable experiences. 
Last year FOCS helped school to purchase new interactive teaching screens for some classrooms. This year FOCS are hoping to raise enough funds to help School buy more new interactive touch screens so that every class may have the advantage of one.

How can I support FOCS?

We are always keen to welcome new members to FOCS, whether you be new to the school or have been at Copp for a while. We understand that getting to meetings and helping out at every event can be difficult, so how much or little is up to you! We always need a good number of volunteers to help run each event and if this is all you can do we appreciate that. If however, you are full of good ideas, thoughts and enjoy a fun night out then you may wish to take a more central role in the fund raising for school and become part of the FOCS Committee! You can also show your support by joining the FOCS 100 Club for £2/month. Forms for this can be collected from the school office.

What can I expect at a FOCS meeting?

FOCS meetings are very informal and relaxed and take place at 8pm in the Boot & Shoe, Elswick or occasionally at the home of a FOCS member. After a social chit chat and a glass or two of wine we discuss the upcoming events each term and make the necessary plans. Some members may put themselves forward for specific tasks to do for the event, others may just express their ideas. FOCS meetings are always productive but also very fun and social!  
Where can I find information about FOCS?

FOCS has an area on the school website that you can go to for information about upcoming events and such. We also have a board in the Resource Room window which has information on. Occasionally on Fridays we hold a ‘FOCS Friday’ where we will have a table set out at the end of school. Most classes have parents from the FOCS committee and you can always speak to any of them.


Members of FOCS -

Chairperson -  Caroline Clayton 
Vice Chairperson -  Victoria Maclean & Jane Long
Secretary - Delyth Furnival
Treasurer - Amanda Morton 

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