Year Five
Welcome to Year 5!
Welcome to our class page. I am so excited to be your child's teacher in Year 5. We have an exciting year planned for the class and we are ready to get started. Your support is important in your child's education and we can work together to ensure they make progress.
Staff in Y5 Class
Class Teacher: Mrs Richmond
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Twigg
PPA Teaching: Mrs Loughran
Maths and English Targets
The Year 5 children have maths, English targets and personal targets (which are at the back of their reading diaries). Please ask your child their current targets as they should know them.
The children will receive homework on a weekly basis. This will be given out every Friday and will be expected to be returned by the following Wednesday. Spelling homework will be given on a Wednesday and children must learn the spellings for the following Friday.
TTRockstars, Prodigy and Spelling Shed are all available for the children to use at home - they should know their usernames and passwords.
In addition, there may be homework linked to our topic, but this will not be on a weekly basis.
Reading Books / Library Books
Your child will continue to have access to reading books from the school library. You should aim to read every night (if possible) as reading is vital to the whole curriculum. We have a dedicated reading area in class. The reading area has a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction books. Reading records should be filled in and brought to school everyday. Reading records will be checked by the class teacher weekly.
Before and After School
At the beginning of the school day, before registration (8.40 – 8.55) the children will have different maths, reading and writing activities to complete throughout the year. At the moment we are having a big push on arithmetic skills, the children will be able to play games and activities to improve their times tables fluency too.
At the end of each school day (3.15 pm) the children will be dismissed through the main school door. The children will wait in this area until they see who is collecting them, and strictly must not leave until they do so, unless they have signed permission to walk home.
General Reminders
The children will complete 2 hours of PE a week. Please ensure that your child attends school in their PE kit (white t-shirt, shorts, plain tracksuit bottoms, pumps and trainers) on a Tuesday.
The children may also bring in their own water bottles from in from home, but please make sure that they are labelled.
This half-term, Year 5 will be doing Dance with Miss Dickinson and will start swimming in Autumn 2 and Spring 1.
I would again like to thank you in advance for all your support this year and if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me on Class Dojo.
Thank you for visiting our class page.
Mrs Richmond
Year Five Useful Websites:
Autumn 1 Overview
Autumn 2 Overview