We believe that the key to success is a love of learning and a school where children feel supported, respected and safe. Every child is unique and precious and it is a privilege to play a part in their development – their overall well-being is of paramount importance and at the centre of what we do at St.Anne's Copp CE Primary School, Great Eccleston. We expect every child to fulfil their potential and celebrate everyone’s individuality and the gifts and talents they all have. We aim to provide each child with the skills, knowledge, resilience, enthusiasm and life skills which will equip them to lead a successful and happy life.
Please find below, the link to the Summer 2023 FIND newsletter which is full of advice and local group information for children and families :
Local Offer
EHC Plans
SEN Information Report January 2024
Our Graduated Response
SENCO: Anna Whittle (
Contact: 01995 670969
If you have any concerns about the provision of SEND in school, please contact the Headteacher, Andrea Loughran :