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St. Anne's Copp

Church of England Primary School

"Let us love, not in word, but in truth and action." 1 John 3:18

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School Logo

St. Anne's Copp

Church of England Primary School

"Let us love, not in word, but in truth and action." 1 John 3:18


At the start of each half term, each class holds a Spirituality Day within the first week of school.  We feel that this gives our school family a meaningful start to the half term and gives us the chance to remember that God is at the centre of all we do.

Spirituality is a chance for children to be still - to wonder - to appreciate - to question all the things that God has given them.  We approach this by transforming our Boardroom into a Spirituality Area where the children can visit in small groups and engage in a number of reflective and interactive activities.  

We also take time to explore and revisit our school vision and values and develop spiritual pathways for our children.  For example, you may see children engaged with Godly Play or interacting with the class prayer space.  Children may also be outdoors focusing on nature or spend time wondering about the Big Questions they have.



Other opportunities that the children engage with on Spirituality Days include:


  • writing prayers;
  • reading the Bible;
  • exploring Christian values;
  • having time to think, reflect and pray;
  • plan class worship in groups;
  • listening to worshipful/reflective music;
  • organising reflection areas.



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