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Great Eccleston Copp

Church of England Primary School

"Let us love, not in word, but in truth and action." 1 John 3:18

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Great Eccleston Copp

Church of England Primary School

"Let us love, not in word, but in truth and action." 1 John 3:18



At Great Eccleston Copp CE Primary School, we believe that promoting the health and wellbeing of our pupils is an important part of their overall education. We do this through our Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE) curriculum  - which includes Relationships and Sex Education. PSHE covers many topics including physical/emotional health, all kinds of relationships and the skills needed to live in the wider world. The aim of our PSHE curriculum is to help pupils make safe and informed decisions during their school years and beyond.


We are currently using Discovery Education Health and Relationships scheme of work, which covers the statutory requirements for teaching primary Health education and Relationships education from September 2020. It contains lessons for teaching all aspects of the guidelines, including the non-statutory aspects of primary sex education.


The programme consists of six broad topics:

  • Healthy and happy friendships

  • Similarities and differences

  • Caring and responsibility

  • Families and committed relationships

  • Healthy bodies, healthy minds

  • Coping with change


What our children think about PSHE at Great Eccleston C.E. School:


"It's good because you can learn about yourself." Year 2 child


"I like learning about what a human needs to survive." Year 2 child


"I like PSHE because you can learn about friendships and how all families are different." Year 3 child


"I like PSHE because we learn about responsibilities and how to care for the world." Year 3 child


"I think it is good to help us think about the good and bad choices." Year 5 child


"If you don't know what you're doing or if you're being bullied, PSHE helps you as it gives you tips." Year 5 child

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